Showing posts from 2010
A Daddy’s Love
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I remember when I was just three To the times, I fell and scraped my knee Thank-you Daddy for reaching out your hand Wiping away my tears and helping me to stand. I give thanks to God above For giving me a Daddy to love I remember when I first learned to ride a bike This simple lesson showed me what life is really like So many times, I fell off you encouraged me to get back on Teaching me to face my fears by remaining strong. Your little girl Daddy I will always be Thank-you for all these happy memories A Daddy’s love is what you shared You never failed to show me you cared. I remember when I was in love the first time You stood by telling me everything would be fine Daddy, you will always be my best friend My love for you will never end. My Daddy you will always be You hold a special place in this family Hand-n-hand we will walk down life’s road Together we will carry this heavy load I remember when I had my first born son The happiness spark...
Now this is the Living Bible: Come as you are...
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His name is Tim. He has wild hair, wears a T-shirt with holes in it,jeans, and no shoes. This was literally his wardrobe for his entire four years of college. He is brilliant. Kind of profound and very, very bright. He became a Christian while attending college. Across the street from the campus is a well-dressed, very conservative church. They want to develop a ministry to the students but are not sure how to go about it.. One day Tim decides to go there. He walks in with no shoes, jeans, his T-shirt, and wild hair. The service has already started and so Tim starts down the aisle looking for a seat. The church is completely packed and he can't find a seat. By now, people are really looking a bit uncomfortable, but no one says anything. Tim gets closer and closer and closer to the pulpit, and when he realizes there are no seats, he just squats down right on the carpet. By now the people are really uptight, and the tension in the air is thick. About this time, ...
Mastering Obstacles Victoriously Everyday
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I am writing you today as a challenge. A challenge for you to be your best! Not just once in awhile or when you feel like it - but daily. What is the challenge? I am glad you asked. I dare you to M.O.V.E.! I dare you to Master Obstacles Victoriously Everyday! You see, you have the power and the ability to M.O.V.E.. You may not recognize it yet...but you will. Before we go any further though I need your commitment. Are you ready to cut anchor on the regrets of yesterday and set sail towards your destiny? Are you ready to not run from the obstacles you've been running into for years and make a decision to go through them victoriously? Are you ready to begin a journey of excellence, dedication, persistence and passion? If you have confidently answered yes to these questions then I believe you are ready. Here are a few tips for where we are headed: M - Master In order to master something it must be done over and over and over again with precision and focus. This does not come by simply...
What should I DO? Should I Be What YOU want me to BE! ~ LeBron James #6
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This is crap LeBron has fulfilled, his obligation to the Cavilers, he wanted to go somewhere where he had a shot of winning and to not just be a cash generator for the owner of failed team, you want to blame the CLEVELAND economy on him? Blame it on Bush’s era, and on the fact that you can't put your economic hopes on a free agent. There is no guarantee that he will win in Miami, but he is giving it a shot and he has the right to do so. WE can talk about the hour long press conference to see where he would end up until we are blue in the face but the bigger picture is he made a lot of people money that day and all the small minded can think about is his ego the people that made money off of the advertising and even the talk leading up to the event were clocking in dollars be mad at them too. MJ has his opinion, just like Barkley, but the bottom line is he does not owe you anything just like people who move out of state to pursue better opportunities owes you nothing, you may not li...
10 Things I Want To Say To A Black Woman by Joshua Bennett
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Guys! we say the stupidest things...
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"Guys say the stupidest things.” That’s a near universal female observation. And let’s face it: there’s more than a grain of truth in it. We guys do say some pretty idiotic stuff. Thing is, we rarely mean to. In fact, we often don’t even know that we did! What to do? Channel your grade school teacher and remember to think before you speak. Here are ten statements that are likely to get you into trouble, and how to avoid them. “You’re over-reacting.” While this may be true from an objective standpoint, she will never agree, at least not on the spot. No matter what she may be throwing at you, be that insults or ceramic knick-knacks, she believes she’s acting appropriately. So duck if you have to and then say something like this: “I don’t blame you for being upset, but I’d rather focus our energy on fixing the problem.” “You’re not being logical.” Once again, you may be...
Happy Sweetest Day!
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Sweetest Day appeared first in Clevland, Ohio in October 1921. The day was designed by 12 prominent candy makers led by C. C. Hartzell and calling their committee The Sweetest Day in the Year Committee. That first Sweetest Day 20,000 boxes of candy were distributed to "newsboys, orphans, old folks, and the poor." The distribution was helped by famous movies stars of the day including Ann Penington and Theda Bara. On October 8, 1922 it was observed in the rest of the nation. Today the date has changed and the holiday which has come to represent sweet friendships and romantic loves remains most heavily observed in the Midwest and parts of the North East. Please remember to appreciate and affirm your love partner and soul-mate for through this affirmation you are both affirmed and grow together. Happy Sweet...
Every Little Step with Mike Tyson & Wayne Brady
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A remake of the Bobby Brown classic "Every Little Step" with Mike Tyson and Wayne Brady must be seen to be believed. Every Little Step with Mike Tyson & Wayne Brady from Mike Tyson Sometimes a man (and a woman) needs a good laugh. Wayne Brady has got some serious skills. Mike"I found Peace"Tyson....too Funny It's Hilarious.
Hollywood or Reality TV Marriages….
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I often wondered why Hollywood marriages seemed to end as quickly as they start. I wondered as we are so often lead to believe with all that money what would cause their marriages to fail. I soon found out that every marriage fails into areas of struggle that must be healed. I found out, through watching a score heal, that healing is better when the affected area is allowed the time that is need to heal. Think about the bandage commercials that we have all seen the sore that is left uncovered not only never heals correctly but it has a very high probability of becoming infected. I guess you are saying what does a Band-Aid commercial have to do with marriage? Well here is how I see it a Band-Aid will cover and protect a sore while it is healing. First understand that the sore has been wash and medicated before the bandage is applied and after the right amount of attention is applied to the wound it is covered and healing is left to do its work. Along the way love will c...
Happy Anniversary to my Queen Gloria! 23 years of are truly my soul-mate. Absolutely Love…"together we are better”!
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My "Queen Gloria"....26 years ago I saw this lady sitting over in a corner minding her own business in a rehearsal gospel singing group name "Essence of Christ Singers". I asked another member of the group who was that over in the corner What is her name? The next words out of my mouth was that is my future wife. There was a six years different in age, which was a concern for her and her family for that matter. Of course, a younger man older lady she thought I was a young guy playing games I can understand that thinking look back at it now telling someone you just met that they were your wife. As confident and talented that I was...I'm afraid to share that I chased her around for three years showing her that I was and still on point to win her love for me just,like the first time I laid eyes on her(corny but true). Ok, you want to know what I said to her to win the Gift of a Life-Time..... " I just want to be your friend...
Are You An Encourager...?
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The most common word for encouragement in the Bible is "parakaleo"—"para" meaning "beside, near, with, along side," and "kaleo" meaning "to call or summon." A "paraclete" is someone called along side of another to counsel, encourage, help and bring comfort.
A "paraclete"—encourager—helps us when we are in trouble, when we are in a situation with which we cannot cope. This word also means "to urge on or exhort." A person needing help may not require comfort so much as challenge.
The word is used to exhort troops to go into battle. It not only empathizes; it motivates or inspires. It not only gives comfort; it also gives courage. It impels hesitant soldiers into battle and fearful
sailors into the storm.
This word is used frequently by Paul in his epistles. In 1 Thessalonians 5:11, he tells the Thessalonians to, "…encourage one another and build each other up." Three verses lat...
Will the real YOU please: Stand and Identify
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Over the past few years when asked to introduce myself I have noticed that I have struggled some. I have come to understand that my struggle was due to the fact that my life was in transition and the points that I used in the past to identify with have changed. My compass was different know and I was still embracing the new me. I love who I am not ashamed of it and you may be surprised at my introduction of me. Question: Do you introduce yourself and or identify yourself with what you do, what you have, where you attend church, or with what groups you have memberships or associate with instead of who you really are? This topic is on my mind because of some of the Facebook friend request responses I have received as well as some of the responses we get from couples in our marriage initiative training classes when they are asked to introduce themselves. Do you ever stop to think about your response when you are asked who are you or asked to introduce yourself? Is it hard for you ...
Dreams, Goals and Purpose
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When dreams are shattered the cliché thing to say is, “I believe there’s a reason for everything.” There’s a lot of truth in that. God is certainly at work in our shattered dreams. Romans 8:28 says “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Where I think we sometimes get off track is in trying to figure out God’s reasons for everything that happens. We certainly should pray and seek to understand what God might be doing, but the truth is we may not be able to see what God was doing for many years. And with some situations, we just won’t know the reason this side of heaven. It’s important to accept that we won’t understand everything God is doing and trust in his character – his love, his kindness, his faithfulness. When we trust in his character, we choose to believe that God is up to something good even in the midst of our shattered dreams. From The Desk Of Marcus Whyte23 Always Protect Your Dreams...
Thinking About You All...
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Just could not let this day pass without letting you all know that you have been and are on my spirit. Wanted you to know that I love you all and that I am praying for you all and your families. I pray that our heavenly father continually bless you and all that is tied to you all. I pray that God grants you the desires of your hearts and richly bless all that you labor to do in both ministry and in your career. I love you all once again and again and thank God for allowing us to be brothers & sisters in Christ. Be Blessed and Be Encouraged.... Whyte23 Posted via email from Whyte23's posterous
The Weight of Your Words...
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{Photo Courtesy of ariane hunter photography } When defining words or assigning them value, the word “FINE” would fall somewhere in the middle of bad and great, right in the middle or its valued weight would be average. Just average, just ok, nothing special about defining yourself as fine. We use words like “FINE” for relational comparisons everyday when addressing a state of being. So if I am in a committed relationship and one asks me the question how is it going in your relationship should my reply ever be “FINE”? If my reply is the word “FINE” what does that really mean about the state of my relationship? Let’s look at this for a moment to ensure that we are not just going through the motions. Let’s start with the middle, this means the point where the majority of people are. Right in the middle, average not failing, but not excelling either, when we pull out our measuring stick we can say that there are a large number that are worse off than we are so we must be doing ok...
Question # 2 from the Ladies Top Ten List
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Looking to hear from the voices of all who are dating and or looking to be in relationship. Ladies you in particular are being called out. Here’s the reason for the call out, over the last couple of months we have heard from our television, radio and other media personalities stating that the male and female perspective of what/who a good man is differs quite a bit. On our last radio blog we had a male caller call in and express to us that according to his opinion and research, per his statement “the complaint from most 20 to 30 year old educated successful women that they can not find a good man should be placed squarely at the feet of women”. He believes that all of the issues that women are facing regarding dating is their fault. So what do you think readers, is there fault to be handed out? As indicated over the last few months our male callers have informed us that ladies have a list by which they judge men. Ladies the males that we have spoken with inform us that you are unreal...