Happy Anniversary to my Queen Gloria! 23 years of Marriage.....you are truly my soul-mate. Absolutely Love…"together we are better”!
My "Queen Gloria"....26 years ago I saw this lady sitting over in a corner minding her own business in a rehearsal gospel singing group name "Essence of Christ Singers". I asked another member of the group who was that over in the corner What is her name? The next words out of my mouth was that is my future wife. There was a six years different in age, which was a concern for her and her family for that matter. Of course, a younger man older lady she thought I was a young guy playing games I can understand that thinking look back at it now telling someone you just met that they were your wife. As confident and talented that I was...I'm afraid to share that I chased her around for three years showing her that I was and still on point to win her love for me just,like the first time I laid eyes on her(corny but true). Ok, you want to know what I said to her to win the Gift of a Life-Time....." I just want to be your friend" Yes, sir Friends before anything else. I learned her favorite color, hopes & dreams, goals, perfume, movie actors, books and the author names, candy bar, music artists, she is a big die-hard NFL Oakland Raiders Fans still until this day, her styles of likes and dislikes etc.....you name it I learned it. See ladies and gentleman I learned that word "Intimacy" for some women not speaking on behalf of all women (of course) Emotional Intimacy is a need of IN-TO-ME-YOU-SEE. Women want a man that is into the complete package of who they are.
I kept it simple and short to the main focus point "HER"....yes, it took some work but guess what?
I got her on August 29, 1987 we got married as husband & wife.
I choose you to be my lover and my best friend, because you're the one I can always depend on.
You hold my hand, you wipe my tears, but most of all you calm my fears.
You make me laugh and sometime cry, but I know we will never say goodbye.
I choose you now this time in my life, and commit forever to be your husband.
I choose you because you are my lover and " BEST FRIEND" to this statement there is no end.
Love Always WINS,
Copyright © 2010, Marcus& Gloria Whyte 23. All rights reserved. Originally published at forhealthymarriages.ning.com
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