Happy Sweetest Day!

Sweetest Day appeared first in Clevland, Ohio in October 1921. The day was designed by 12 prominent candy makers led by C. C. Hartzell and calling their committee The Sweetest Day in the Year Committee. That first Sweetest Day 20,000 boxes of candy were distributed to "newsboys, orphans, old folks, and the poor." The distribution was helped by famous movies stars of the day including Ann Penington and Theda Bara. On October 8, 1922 it was observed in the rest of the nation. Today the date has changed and the holiday which has come to represent sweet friendships and romantic loves remains most heavily observed in the Midwest and parts of the North East.

Please remember to appreciate and affirm your love partner and soul-mate for through this affirmation you are both affirmed and grow together.

Happy Sweetest Day to Everyone...Much Love to ALL!

~Marcus n Gloria

Commissioned-Ordinary Just Won't Do....For A Healthy Marriages©! ♥♥


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