Are You An Encourager...?
The most common word for encouragement in the Bible is "parakaleo"—"para" meaning "beside, near, with, along side," and "kaleo" meaning "to call or summon." A "paraclete" is someone called along side of another to counsel, encourage, help and bring comfort.
A "paraclete"—encourager—helps us when we are in trouble, when we are in a situation with which we cannot cope. This word also means "to urge on or exhort." A person needing help may not require comfort so much as challenge.
The word is used to exhort troops to go into battle. It not only empathizes; it motivates or inspires. It not only gives comfort; it also gives courage. It impels hesitant soldiers into battle and fearful
sailors into the storm.
This word is used frequently by Paul in his epistles. In 1 Thessalonians 5:11, he tells the Thessalonians to, "…encourage one another and build each other up." Three verses later he says, we exhort you…admonish the idlers, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak (v. 14). The writer to the Hebrews commands, "Exhort one another daily" (Heb. 3:13). That means more than comfort. We are to challenge one another, and "stir up one another to love and good deeds" (Heb. 10:24).
OK here's what I got from that....
Self-evaluation: questions regarding the motivation of encouragement:
1. Do my words of encouragement outweigh words of correction or criticism?
2. Do people become more cheerful when they are around me?
3. Would my family consider me to be an encouraging person?
4. Is it easy for me to praise, thank and affirm others?
5. Have I been diligent in affirming those in my immediate sphere of influence?
6. Have I been diligent in encouraging the authorities God has placed over me?
7. Do I pass along good news and swallow gossip or do I do the reverse?
8. Does my conversation with friends generally build up or tear down people?
9. Do I think more about giving praise than receiving it?
10. Do I desire to counsel, comfort, encourage and exhort other people?
11. Am I able to encourage those who hurt or persecute me?
12. Have I recognized how encouraging God is to others as well as to me?
13. Does my impatience or anger get in the way of encouraging relationships?
14. Am I patient in listening to God so He can encourage my heart?
What do you think ?
Proverbs 11:25 NLT says: The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.
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