5 Ways to Handle Stress

5 Ways to Handle Stress 1. Stop trying to remember everything. Write it down on 1 tablet that you will use. Not sticky notes. You'll lose them. 2. Stop trying to please everyone. Be happy with yourself. Hurt people hurt people. Find your own peace. Some people are miserable. Keep them in prayer but work on you. 3. Take care of your body and mind. Exercise, Eat Right, Get Rest, Meditate, Cut people off! Balance your life! If it cost you your peace, it cost too much. 4. Stop jump starting your day with false energy: coffee, sugar. Replace with Prayer and Affirmations: I can do this! I will be successful! I love myself! 5. Talk to your problems rather than talking about your problems! Speak life into your situation. Blessings to You! Robert Jackson www.robertjacksonmotivates.com


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