Marcus White & India White BMe Akron

India's Summer Abroad in Japan 2016

Evening everyone, here is my commercial for my go fund me page, thank you to those who have already donated. I appreciate all of those who took the time to help me make my dream a reality. This is such a humbling experience for me, thank you!

- Departure: Summer of 2016 (June)
-Currently in my third year at the University of Akron
- Majoring in International Business / Minor Japanese Language
-Speaking & studying since the kindergarten through her schooling.

Thank you all in advance for you generosity and donations

In Much Gratitude,
India White

BMe Community is a growing network of all races and genders committed to building better communities across the U.S. BMe is built upon Black fathers, coaches, businessmen and students who lead by example to strengthen neighborhoods, mentor young people, and create businesses. Each day they help to change our futures for the better. You can too.


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