Habakkuk’s Prayer

3:19 Habakkuk Had asked God why evil people prosper while the righteous suffer. God’s answer: They don’t, not in the long run. Habakkuk saw his own (like many of us) LIMITATIONS in contract to God’s UNLIMITED control of all the world’s events. God is alive and in control of the world and it’s events. We cannot see all that God is doing, and we cannot see all that God will do. But we can be assured that he is God and will do what is right. Knowing this brings us confidence and hope in a confusing world.

The importance point of view: God wants us to come to him with our struggles and doubts. But his answer may not be what we expect. God sustains us by revealing, himself to us. Trusting him leads to quiet hope, not bitter RESIGNATION!

Can we still HOPE for our future?: God is the Creator; he is All-Powerful. He has a plan and he will carry it out. He will punish sin. He is our strength and our place of safety. We can have confidence that he will LOVE us and Guard our relationship with him forever. Hope means going beyond our unpleasant daily experiences to the JOY of KNOWING God. We live by Trusting in him, not in the benefits, happiness, or success we may experience in this life. OUR hope comes from GOD.

Until you visit again, be encouraged and be blessed!

In Gratitude,

Mr. Encourager

Have the greatest week of your life! H O P E = (H)ave (O)nly (P)ositive (E)xpectations

Marcus Whyte23, is a husband and father of 2, freelance writer, Certified Life and Relationship Coach from Akron, Ohio. He is the Founder of For Healthy Marriages,  whose purpose is to re-engage and educate couples on the benefits of a healthy marriage. Follow him on Facebook page or  Find out more about him at http://whyte23.blogspot.com/ or Twitter @whyte23.

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