Happy Anniversary of Oneness to my wife
Happy Anniversary of Oneness to my wife, friend, lover, my everything...Gloria!! Thank you for 32 years. To have and to hold on August 29th,1987 for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part. We've weathered storms & learn from our mistakes...we've stayed focus & committed to one another. Words can not express my love for you so I'll use my whole life as a platform to display my love for you.
I made a public decision before about 200+ people to take this woman to be my lawfully wedded wife! Neither of us had any idea what we would face, we dived into a life that's been filled with miracles and mayhem, majesty and mystery. Fast-forward and I do mean fast – we are still working hard at this oneness! Today is our wedding anniversary and I wanted to publicly express a thank you to my rib, who has often been my backbone and never ceased being a loyal "ride or die" soul mate my Queen Gloria!!
#HappyAnniversary #Strivingforgreatnesstogether #myrideordie#Healthyandhappymarriage #Puttingtheworkin
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