Putting Down Your Baggage
Most people have the lifelong burden of carrying baggage that does not belong to them. Baggage of pain, hurt, un - forgiveness, bitterness, sadness, humiliation and broken hearts. The problem with these types of baggage is that over time you get emotionally drained by the weight laid on your heart and your minds, you continually think about how bad it feels and slowly sink yourself into subconscious depression.When this happens you wonder why all seems so bad way before a doctor’s diagnosis you begin to crumble. You may begin a relationship that seems to go no further than a certain point as if there was a barrier preventing you from pursuing higher heights.Your job may be a never ending struggle as your heart is preoccupied with other feelings, your mind with other thoughts and your life still in the past. Because of this you will find it hard to create any type of future life as you are trying to walk forwards but thinking and feeling backwards. The saddest part is that you cannot be...
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