
Showing posts from April, 2011

Position yourself for the next level!

Position yourself for the next level! You have asked and prayed for it, now it is upon you! Are you ready to go where I am taking you? Are you prepared for the harvest I have designed? Look carefully at your life and allow me to bring alignment to the areas that continue to cause you to stumble. I am the God of your weaknesses as much as I am the God of your strength. Keep those things before me that cause you to stumble in your flesh. I am a keeper and I know how to keep those things that you commit to me! Stay in the light! Don't shrink in this hour. You are on the verge of seeing the manifestation of THE answers, yes even the answers you thought would NEVER come! You are not out of time or season. You are right where I want you to be! Hold on and stay in the center of MY WILL. Make your life a habitation for MY GLORY! 2 Chronicals 20:17 You shall not need to fight in this battle; take your positions, stand still, and see the deliverance of the Lord [Who is] with ...

When it’s YOU…

Often times, When I’m blogging and sharing different encouraging words & concepts that hopefully is helping others deal with everyday challenges, I am brought back to topics like: We are unbreakable because…    or You Can’t Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought and  “I’m not letting go until you bless me…” I sometime wonder where did that topic or title come from and why am I writing about this subject matter. Who knew that these topics may have been personal. Here’s an example of how of what I mean. Last week I finally got an answer about a position that I applied for at a major University. The position seemed ideal for me, it was in the area that I lived and I met all the requirements, but here’s how it played out.   The positions came out to being between myself and another applicant. It’s either them or me…first a phone interview (a panel of five members), next a face...

V.A.L.U.E. Function

Nothing or no one can take your value away from you. You can begin to increase your value by utilizing an acronym for V.A.L.U.E. V-Value A-Appreciation L-Love U-Uniqueness E-Education V – Value (understanding that you are valuable and realizing your value). First and foremost, you are a child of God created in His image; therefore you were created to become successful. Realize this truth and you automatically catapult your value. A – Appreciation for life. Be thankful for everyday you wake up because that is a brand new day of opportunity. Because our days are not guaranteed, you should live each day to the fullest. L – Love yourself and love others. It is truly amazing what degree of positive impact you have on yourself and others when you decide to walk in love. God said the greatest gift is the gift of love. We may not always have the answers to ours and others problems, however, when we choose to handle adversity in the spirit of love th...

Kirk Franklin 'I smile"

From Kirk's upcoming album entitled "Hello Fear...." Smile Everybody!!!!! Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not on thine own understanding." Prov 3:5 ....The Lord's knowledge and ways are much higher than the world's. Smile Today!

We are unbreakable because...

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed. At times it can feel like the walls are closing in on us but what God has inside us can’t be crushed. Our inner fortitude will not succumb to outward pressure. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. Persecuted, but not abandoned. God does not leave us in our persecution. Rather it is a sign that God is on our side. Jesus said in John 15:20 “if they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.” Struck down but not destroyed. In other words, I’m down but not out. We never fail because we never give up. God gives us the ability to rise gain. Because Jesus got up from the grave we can get up out of whatever knocked us down. Dear God, Thank you for making me unbreakable. I’ve been through so much in my journey toward wholeness but you’ve been keeping me through it all. The more I go thro...

Marriage is for a Lifetime

A marriage is for a lifetime - at least, that is what most people hope it would be when they get into it. A good marriage requires efforts from both parties to stay true to each other, and keeping their promise to love and support each other unconditionally through the good and bad times. Here are 10 tips for a good marriage (As you read on, you will see that most of them are really unbreakable laws of nurturing a lasting relationship). Tip 1: Managing Expectations Share your expectations with each other. A common reason for failed marriage is lack of understanding of each others expectation of the relationship. Questions that have to be asked before marriage include: Why do you want to get to get married? Is it for love, companionship, intimacy, sex? Tip 2: Emotional Needs Everybody has emotional needs to be fulfilled. The failure to fulfill these needs may result in frustration and the feeling of unloved. You and your partner may have different e...