Childish Behavior in our Marriages and Relationships

This article is designed to slap a reality check into the hearts and minds of every couple that has experienced the same childish behavior. Let’s start with the sisters first. You know you have flower girl tendencies: * When you get upset with your husband when he’s RIGHT, but instead of admitting it, you continue to argue your point just to get on his nerves. Get somewhere and sit down, l’il girl! * If you make more money or do something better than your husband, you rub it in his face by singing, “anything you can do, I can do better…I can do anything better than you!” The ring bearer says, “No you can’t!” You make it worse by responding, “Yes, I can!” Then you end up in a perpetual “CAN’T!!!” “CAN, TOO!!!” dialog. * If you see your husband’s clothes all over the floor, and instead of picking them up, folding them and putting them away, you set them in a pile on the other side of the room for him to wade through whenever it’s convenient. * If you resort to throwing in...