
Showing posts from March, 2016

Make America LOVE Again - Free Hugs Donald J. Trump Wisconsin & Bernie S...

Wow... A Free Hug & A Smile ...cost us nothing but, but give you everything. +FreeHugsProject #FreeHugsProject #MakeAmericaLOVEAgain Totally Awesome!!!!

Marcus White & India White BMe Akron

India's Summer Abroad in Japan 2016 Evening everyone, here is my commercial for my go fund me page, thank you to those who have already donated. I appreciate all of those who took the time to help me make my dream a reality. This is such a humbling experience for me, thank you! - Departure: Summer of 2016 (June) -Currently in my third year at the University of Akron - Majoring in International Business / Minor Japanese Language -Speaking & studying since the kindergarten through her schooling. どうもありがとうございます Thank you all in advance for you generosity and donations In Much Gratitude, India White BMe Community is a growing network of all races and genders committed to building better communities across the U.S. BMe is built upon Black fathers, coaches, businessmen and students who lead by example to strengthen neighborhoods, mentor young people, and create businesses. Each day they help to change our futures for the better. You can too.

Thank you all in advance for you generosity and donations

Wow, Thank you all for the support we're over $1K... with 20 donations in 26 days (and counting) 124 Shares!!! Please share share share.....Donations are appreciated.... Great or small!!  India's Summer Abroad in Japan 2016 Thank you, Again for being a part of making India DREAM a reality! ‪#‎japanese‬ ‪#‎dreamscometrue‬ ‪#‎dreams‬ ‪#‎student‬ ‪#‎studyabroad‬ ‪#‎study‬ ‪#‎Japan‬ - Departure: Summer of 2016 (June) -Currently in my third year at the University of Akron - Majoring in International Business / Minor Japanese Language -Speaking & studying since the kindergarten through out my schooling. どうもありがとうございます Thank you all in advance for you generosity and donations In Much Gratitude, India White

Thank you for being a part of making India DREAM a reality!

Good Day All… Please when you have a minute or two to read my daughter (India) bio on her gofundme account. Nothing is too small and the sky is not the limit…we really appreciate all of you in advance !!! #thankyou & #muchlove to GoFundMe #studyabroad #gofundme #student #dreamscometrue #reality - Departure: Summer of 2016 (June) - Currently in my third year at the University of Akron - Majoring in International Business / Minor Japanese Language - Speaking & studying since the kindergarten throughout my schooling. どうもありがとうございます Thank you all in advance for you generosity and donations In Much Gratitude, India

India's Summer Abroad in Japan 2016

India 1990 (where it all started) India it’s easy to standby you with our support when you stand up and do the work that is needed to make your dreams come true. With the help of Family & Friends Love Mom & Dad!!! From the sweet and tender age of five, I took an interest in a culture very unfamiliar and different to my own and while most kids my age were watching SpongeBob Square pants and playing with Barbie’s I chose to learn Japanese. Through this educational journey, I was able to embrace the language, the culture and the lifestyle of the Japanese. I dreamt my whole life to travel to Japan, walk among the people and conversing fluently. Once in college, I knew I could strive to make my dream a reality. I have majored in International Business with a minor in the Japanese language. I have completed Beginning Japanese 1 and 2, Intermediate Japanese 1 and 2, World civilization: Japan to gain more knowledge on the origin and history ...