
Showing posts from July, 2010

Dreams, Goals and Purpose

When dreams are shattered the cliché thing to say is, “I believe there’s a reason for everything.” There’s a lot of truth in that. God is certainly at work in our shattered dreams. Romans 8:28 says “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Where I think we sometimes get off track is in trying to figure out God’s reasons for everything that happens. We certainly should pray and seek to understand what God might be doing, but the truth is we may not be able to see what God was doing for many years. And with some situations, we just won’t know the reason this side of heaven. It’s important to accept that we won’t understand everything God is doing and trust in his character – his love, his kindness, his faithfulness. When we trust in his character, we choose to believe that God is up to something good even in the midst of our shattered dreams. From The Desk Of Marcus Whyte23 Always Protect Your Dreams...

Thinking About You All...

Just could not let this day pass without letting you all know that you have been and are on my spirit. Wanted you to know that I love you all and that I am praying for you all and your families. I pray that our heavenly father continually bless you and all that is tied to you all. I pray that God grants you the desires of your hearts and richly bless all that you labor to do in both ministry and in your career. I love you all once again and again and thank God for allowing us to be brothers & sisters in Christ. Be Blessed and Be Encouraged.... Whyte23 Posted via email from Whyte23's posterous

The Weight of Your Words...

{Photo Courtesy of ariane hunter photography } When defining words or assigning them value, the word “FINE” would fall somewhere in the middle of bad and great, right in the middle or its valued weight would be average. Just average, just ok, nothing special about defining yourself as fine. We use words like “FINE” for relational comparisons everyday when addressing a state of being. So if I am in a committed relationship and one asks me the question how is it going in your relationship should my reply ever be “FINE”? If my reply is the word “FINE” what does that really mean about the state of my relationship? Let’s look at this for a moment to ensure that we are not just going through the motions. Let’s start with the middle, this means the point where the majority of people are. Right in the middle, average not failing, but not excelling either, when we pull out our measuring stick we can say that there are a large number that are worse off than we are so we must be doing ok...