
Showing posts from May, 2010

The Game

As I watched the NBA post season, being from Akron,Oh. I was rooting for the hometown favorite to go all the way and bring home the title. As I watched in detail, game 5 of the second round, I was troubled by the play of my hometown favorite. I thought to myself that something just seemed to not be right with him during this game. Now there are rumors flying around and I am not here to talk about those rumors, but the nature of his game was different and it made me think about what takes you out of your game? Our hometown sports hero is no doubt one of the best players around. He can change the outcome of a game just by stepping onto the court, but in game 5 he was not really present and he could not make it go his way in game 6. It’s sad that his season is now over. I began to think about how his performance relates to me as a husband and father. In this role I should have the same impact on my family, as my star player does when his game is on and popping. I should set my fami...

Bobby Brown Gets Engaged – On Stage! : “Whom are we to Judge?”

Remember that rumor about Bobby Brown being dead--not true. The pop singer is very much alive, in love and engaged. Brown popped the question to his manager-girlfriend Alicia Etheridge with ( 11-month-old son Cassius ), while on stage at a concert at Metro Park in Jacksonville, Florida. And the crowd went wild with enthusiasm. [ People ] {Photo Courtesy of Google Image} Blessing to Bobby and Alicia I hope they make it everyone deserves a chance whether it there second, third or even tenth time at happiness so I hope Bobby takes his and proves to himself first and then the rest concerning all the haters whom only remembers all the wrong, bad-boy image and self destructive acts he's done to himself. As for our own Whitney ( troubled 15-year marriage ) she could have left Bobby long before she did she choose to stay with him... until...

I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me!

August 29, of this year (2010), my queen and I will be married for twenty three years. As I look back on that day, I smile as I remember how my queen laughed as she told me that she could tell how nervous I was by the way I repeated my vows. She said as I spoke my vows my tone became louder and louder, this is how she came to the conclusion that I was nervous. I personally don’t believe that I was nervous at all. I was and remain the same today, confident and sure regarding the decision that I was making. I can honestly say that this statement is one of fact because I feel stronger and more assured today regarding my decision to marry…even more than I did on my wedding day. Thinking back I start to ponder my vows and how they have been tested and tried. What did we declare on that day before God and man? We declared to be together for richer or for poorer, for better or for worst, in sickness and in health, till death us do part. Funny but most of us only hear, receive and live half...

Beware Relationship Traffic Pattern Changing Ahead…

By Whyte23 As a whole I and my spouse come from the belief that relationships are everything. We belief that the emotional support along with the give and take that we offer each other, works together to form a healthy relationship. What qualifies as being a healthy relationship? Does calling you my friend qualify us as part of a healthy relationship? The friendship question is one that I often struggle with because my 18 year old son quantifies his every request for permission to do something or go somewhere with, “ me and my friends.” As soon as I hear the words me and my friend leave his lips, my response is “these may be associates of yours but they are not your friends.” I then start to go down my list of character traits that should be found in a friendship. Traits that would, in my mind, be generated within a healthy relationship. What I have come to find, in most cases, my son’s friendships/relationships are what I would classify as ‘One Way Relationships.’ Here’s an ex...